quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011

Esme Island

Yesterday I dreamed that I went to Rio de Janeiro, and went to the Esme Island with my friends and we spent a mounth there in the vacation. I think I dreamed it because a day before I watched the movie Breaking Down and I loved it!

The Lord Of The Rings

Yesterday I was reading the lord of the rings, the Fellowship of the Ring, and falls asleep and I dreamed I was in the movie and I was Legolas (archer) and my friends Were the Other Characters: Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Marry, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gloin ... We lived the adventures of the the first movie I hit many orgs, we walk for many days around forests, mountains, rivers, caves, but we were being followed, and soon we discovered that they were the Dark Knights. When the Knights is caming in search of the ring and I was ready to shoot an arrow I woke up.

My Dream

I dreamed taht the Náutico was the champion of the A series, I dreamed that before the Náutico get the acess to the A series.It was very cool! All the soccer players was having fun and me too, but one week before this dream, The sport get the acess for the A series so I had a nightmare...

terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

I was in the school playground swing, heavy fog ... absolute silence. I did not hear no more the songs of birds ... the rumors of strange creatures roaming the city has spread and infected everyone. I do not know what I had in mind, to sit on a swing in the middle ofinfection. When the fog has changed color from white to gray ... ...I knew ... I knew that the creatures had found me. It was useless to flee if they found me ... then it would be my end ... I started to see the figures, could not stay with dread, it would not attract themfaster. I saw figures walking from one side to the other in front of me, when I saw ... a failure on your drives. Spawned a gap between one creature and another. I got up slowly ... ... and ranlike the last day of my life (and was) and ran without spottinganything out of the fog. I ran, ran, ran, ran, and cancer ...something that should not have happened. The moment I stoppedone second to breathe ... one of them pulled me into the dark fog.And that was the last day that had seen me. The camera saw everything from college, felt sorry for the humans, do not know.But watching all that passed. Why zombies within the collegewere more than out? There was something that forced the zombies to enter and / ordoes not leave the school. That was weird ... but like I had died ...could not do anything ... (END...at least it was mine)

2º Dream:

The world was an age of chaos. Few people survived, and those who survive ... ended in overdose. I think there was only 25% of the world. ... For each person represented 0.01% of thepercentage. And the remaining 75% were undead. Not alive, but, not completely dead. The only way to stop these pests was to collect a portion of the skin ... any of these things, and try to find something that will cure them. The problem was to get the part of the skin. But I had the support of three people ... my friends. Eachwould be responsible for part of a team. If one fails, all fail. I would be with the artillery, that is, take care to protect the team and killthe zombies. The smarter, Gabriel, take care of technical support.Would a computer, tracking the zombies, looking for safe placesand seek a cure for infections. (When we find the skin). The strongest, Bruno, take care to assemble weapons, building things, making walls, something like that. And Victor, take care of the medical support. So was this ... Bruno could not assemblewithout arms Gabriel researching how to assemble them. I would not be able to protect the team without researching the GabrielBruno weapons to mount them. And I could not protect themedical team without the support of Victor. He also took care of food. So when we look for some undead, one came back and picked up by Gabriel. Only about 2 minutes later we noticed when we come to a cliff, and ask him to formulate a way to go down andget across without hurting us. When we look back, the computersaw it knocked to the ground with blood all over ... a lot of blood.We looked up where we left the cave, and saw a herd of''monsters''. Of course we had to run, I had to stay behind the others, to go in shooting that came close. But they had like a trampoline in the feet. They jumped on us and took Bruno to go. I tried to save him but could not shoot, they dragged him to theground, he would kill me to shoot. I do not know what was worse: He was killed slowly by the undead, or kill him in one shot so he does not feel pain. But I spent much time thinking about it, they've even noticed that he had been dragged to the ''hell''. And the other zombies were behind us ... me ... I had picked up Victor. I had noway out ... then I went back to thinking:''I better die quickly in one shot ... or die slowly and painfully by zombies?'' Too bad there was not time to think, because when I ‘’returned to the world’’ I was already dead. I only regret not having been able to save the world of these things.

domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

A Disastrous Trip

I dreamed that I was traveling with my parents and in the next day I had a important text. But, my parents started to sleep in the car and I was desesperate, because I couldn't lose the text. And I started to study in the car. They just woke up in the next day and I lost the text. The big problem is the second chance to do the text is when I'm going to travel to Gramado. I don't know what I did because I woke up. I think I had this dream because I was in week of text and in the next week I'm going to travel to Gramado.

A Strange Trip

I dreamed that I was traveling by car just with my friends. And we decided to stop in the mall. In the mall, we met a lot of famous, like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Ian Somerhalder and Taylor Lautner. And they started traveling with us. And then, they was starting to speak portuguese. But, suddenly, they desappear. And I and my friends started to looking for they. Then, I woke up. I think I had this dream because I and my friends was talking about a trips one day before.

A Awkward night

I dreamed that one night I was in home and a handsome man went in my house. I didnt think it's awkward and started talking to the man. But after, I discovered he was a vampire and wanted to turns me in a vampire too. I tried running, but he caught me. I started to scream, but he turned me in a vampire. Then, I woke up. I think I had this dream because I was watching a vampire's serie, The Vampire Diaries.